Characteristics of Sheep
People love to throw stones at sheep.
“Dumb as a sheep.”
“He follows like a sheep”
“Sheep are born looking for a way to die.”
I didn’t grow up with sheep.
I didn’t know anything about them, except what I had heard from pontificators who usually had the same amount of experience that I had.
This ranch was founded with sheep – like many Montana ranches, sheep paid for the land. Unlike most other ranches, the original owners kept their sheep instead of switching to the easier-to-manage, easier-on-the-ego, cattle.
I think maintaining the heritage of the ranch is important so 20 years ago I embarked on an ovine education.
I’ve killed a lot of sheep as I climbed the steep learning curve of their care.
I’ve learned a lot, too – about sheep, myself and others.
Sheep love habits and routine.
They know when it is time to go out to the pasture for breakfast and when it is time to come back to the corral. Every day, no matter what else I am doing.
Sheep huddle in a tight mass, watching what the others do.
Their defense is safety in numbers.
They thrive in the crowded, urban flock.
Sheep don’t handle change well. As human brains are wired to adapt to changes over several years – much slower than technology advances-- sheep take a long time to accept new ideas.
If they have enough time, one ewe might become an Innovator, then a couple more might risk acting as an Early Adopter, a few more will follow before the main flock – the Majority – goes along with the idea. A couple of ewes are always the Laggards.
Sheep are curious, yet afraid.
They respond to a strong leader – they might hesitate momentarily, but they will jump off a steep bank if the leader insists.
When sheep sleep, they are oblivious to danger. I’ve walked up to a napping lamb and touched it before it jumped awake, panicked, dashing toward its flock.
Sheep can be oblivious to the pain of their companions.
Sneaky predators can pick off one sheep while others don’t notice.
Sheep rarely eat unfamiliar foods.
They learn dietary preferences from their parents. I’m pretty sure they would eat at McDonald’s drive-through every day if their mama did.
Sheep are gullible if they are led with the promise of treats.
I can lead them into a terrifying trailer with a bucket of oats.
Sheep don’t plan for the future, just react to the situation in front of them. A snowstorm can push them into a fence corner, trapping them, instead of facing headwinds to find safety.
If cornered, sheep will step on other sheep, sacrificing them, trampling them, killing them, all in an effort to survive.
Sheep can be oblivious to the consequences of their actions. They are likely to eat through a round bale until it topples over, suffocating them.
Like other newborns, lambs are practically helpless. They easily succumb to cold, wet or predators.
Sheep will climb through fences seeking better conditions – first one, then 9, then 100. They don’t analyze whether they can get back to water.
In fact, they don’t analyze much.
Left unchecked, the population of sheep will deplete the land and water they depend on for survival.
Sheep are likely to selfishly benefit at the expense of their neighbors and friends.
An aunty ewe will steal a lamb from another ewe even though she can’t care for it. She has no milk. She just wants a baby. The lamb will die if the aunty ewe succeeds.
Critics might be right: Sheep might be dumb, but the reflection from the mirror of humanity makes it difficult to throw the first stone.